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Teleskop Austria Logo
LACERTA GmbH | Wien | Linz

ASI2400MC-Pro Vollformat Farbkamera

statt 5290.00, jetzt nur
3999.90 EUR
(Bruttopreise sind mit 19% bzw. 7% MWSt kalkuliert. Sollte die MWSt in Ihrem Land höher sein, übernimmt LACERTA GmbH die Differenz.)
zzgl. Versand

Marke:  ZWO
Bauart: CMOS-color
Sensordiagonale: 43,3mm
Auflösung: 24MP
Transportgewicht:  1kg (Versandkosten)

(Der Lagerbestand dient nur zur Information und beinhaltet auch bereits reservierte Exemplare)
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Linz: Wir bestellen gerne für Sie!
Lager: nur noch 1 Stk.

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248.89 EUR
96.00 EUR
5027.89 EUR
5027.89 EUR

ASI2400MC-Pro Full Frame One Shot Color Camera

The ASI2400MC Pro is the first CMOS Astro Camera which adopts Sony IMX410 Sensor. Some of the highlights include:

  • Sony IMX410 full-frame format sensor – giving a great field of view
  • 14-bit ADC – giving high dynamic range
  • 24 MP sensor with a pixel size of 5.94 um – large sensor and large pixels to capture amazing detail
  • An incredibly large well depth of 100ke- – no need to worry about saturating stars
  • Ultra-low readout noise of 1.1e- – bringing out more details in your images with improved dynamic range
  • Zero amp-glow – one thing less to worry about in post-processing.

Considering the above specifications and a peak QE of around 80%, the ASI2400MC Pro is born to be another great innovation of ZWO in the field of full-frame cooled OSC astronomy cameras.

Full Frame OSC Camera

The ASI2400MC Pro uses full-frame format, the sensor length and width are 36mm * 24mm and the diagonal is 43.3mm. Currently it is only available in a one-shoot-colour (OSC) version. OSC is very suitable for those just beginning with astrophotography, but considering the fantastic specifications of this camera, we are sure that many seasoned astrophotographers will take a liking to it as well. If you don’t have the time to take a lot of sub-exposures with different filters, or money to spend on accessories like filters and filter wheels, this camera will deliver amazing images!

IMX410 Backlit Sensor

Sony’s back-illuminated CMOS image sensor improves the sensitivity and noise reduction – the key factors to enhancing image quality. It does this by radically realigning the fundamental pixel structure from front-illumination to back-illumination, while still retaining the advantages of CMOS image sensors such as low power consumption and high-speed operation.

With a conventional front-illumination structure, the metal wiring and transistors on the surface of the silicon substrate that form the sensor’s light-sensitive area (photo-diode), impede photon-gathering carried out by the on-chip lens. A back-illuminated structure minimizes the degradation of sensitivity to the optical angle response, while also increasing the amount of light that enters each pixel due to the lack of obstacles such as metal wiring and transistors. These components have been moved to the back-side of the silicon substrate.


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