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LACERTA GmbH | Wien | Linz

ZWO ASI294MC-Pro Farbkamera (Diagonale: 23,2mm, Auflösung: 11,7MP, USB3.0, IMX294 Sony Back-illuminated CMOS, gekühlt)

statt 1401.00, jetzt nur
1398.89 EUR
(Bruttopreise sind mit 19% bzw. 7% MWSt kalkuliert. Sollte die MWSt in Ihrem Land höher sein, übernimmt LACERTA GmbH die Differenz.)
zzgl. Versand

Marke:  ZWO
Bauart: CMOS-color
Sensordiagonale: 23,2mm
Auflösung: 11,7MP (4144x2822)
Transportgewicht:  1kg (Versandkosten)

(Der Lagerbestand dient nur zur Information und beinhaltet auch bereits reservierte Exemplare)
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Wir empfehlen auch:
29.00 EUR
29.00 EUR
78.89 EUR
69.89 EUR

ASI294MC Pro

unsere Meinung: Eine günstige gekühlte Farbkamera mit hoher Empfindlichkeit und schöner Farbwiedergabe,
allerdings rauscht sie mehr als die ASI1600, und es gibt teilweise Probleme mit der Kalibration.
Wichtig ist, bei dieser Kamera nicht mit Bias zu arbeiten, sondern nur mit Darks und Flats,
und die Flats sind statt mit Bias mit Flatdarks zu kalibrieren (Darks mit der Belichtungszeit der Flats).
Zusätzliche Infos im ZWO Forum: ASI294 Kalibrationsprobleme

Resolution: 11.7MPixel 4144 x 2822
Pixel Size: 4.63µm
Exposure range: 32µs - 2000s!
Read Noise: 1.2e  - 7.3e
Full Well: 63700e
ADC: 14 bit
Cooling: 40 - 45 degrees below ambient (obviously, only on the cooled version)
Standard Autoguider Port
Peak Quantum Efficiency: TBC
Full aluminum housing with standard 2" interface
M42X0.75 internal thread (T-thread)
Back Focus: 6.5mm (from camera front)
Back Focus: 17.5mm (from front of 11mm reverse thread adapter)

Similarly to the ZWO ASI1600MC camera, the ASi294MC camera would be an excellent choice for imaging deep sky objects, however it can do much more than that. With a max framerate of 19 FPS at 10 bit ADC and 16 FPS at 14 bit ADC this camera can also be used as an extremely high resolution planetary imager. If you cannot decide if your thing is deep sky or planetary imaging, go for this camera. It is also a much more affordable alternative to converting a dSLR.

You can even use it for guiding, although we understand that it is somewhat a waste of a talent to use it for guiding, but there might be special circumstances or setups when you would want to use it for guiding, so the opportunity is given.

There are two versions with this same large 4/3" sensor (23.2mm diagonal):

Colour cooled or uncooled. (There is no monochrome version of this sensor.)

If you would mainly use it as a deep sky imager camera, wed also recommend to go for this COOLED version, but if you cannot afford or youd be mainly using it as a very high resolution planetary imager, then go for the UNCOOLED version.

This product listing is for the COOLED version of the ASI294MC. This cooled version is part of the PRO series of cooled ZWO cameras that features a DDR memory buffer.

With the ZWO ASI294MC you wont have to spend lots of time to get beautiful images, however, if you want to get the best results from this range of cameras and you have plenty of time to spare, why not to try L-RGB or narrow band photography with the monochrome version of the similar ZWO ASI1600MM or ZWO ASI1600MM-COOL. (If you go for the monochrome version, youll also need a filter wheel and a set of L-RGB filters, plus H-alpha, OIII and SII filters, and maybe even H-beta filter as well for narrow band photography...)

Please note that the sensor diagonal size is very close to the internal clear aperture of a 1.25" filter, therefore with extremely fast telescopes (small f-ratio) there might be vignetting. The limiting f-ratio will depend on the telescope and whether you will use any filters with this camera. Although its a colour camera, good results can be achieved by using filters against light pollution and even H-alpha or other narrowband filters in certain setups.

Features of the NEW ZWO ASI294MC-PRO

Recommended for Deep Sky Imaging as well as the Sun, Moon and planets at very high resolution (although monochrome ASI174 would be better for the Sun)
(To image the Sun youll have to use a proper front solar filter or Herschel wedge depending on your telescope. Please contact us if not sure!)

High-Sensitivity Type 4/3 CMOS Image Sensor that Supports 4K for Astronomic Cameras and Industrial Applications

The “IMX294CJK” is the first in-house image sensor for astronomic cameras to adopt the Type 4/3 format, and realizes output of the number of pixels needed for 4K at 120 frame/s (in ADC 10-bit output mode, ASI294MC can run up to 25fps at 4k format base on USB3.0 bandwidth). In addition, use of a large-size pixel achieves SNR1s of 0.14 lx* which is very close to the value of ASI224(0.13 lx*).

Exceptional low-illumination performance

Exceptional low-illumination performance of SNR1s: 0.14 lx is realized by use of a large-size optical system and by expanding the area per pixel to 4.63 µm. This makes the IMX294CJK ideal sensor for astronomic camera market applications which requires low-illumination performance.

DDR Memory Buffer

The ASI294MC Pro camera includes a 256MB DDR3 memory buffer to help improve data transfer reliability. Additionally, the use of a memory buffer minimizes amp-glow, which is caused by the slow transfer speeds when the camera is used with a USB 2.0 port.

High QE

Even when used in higher humidity environments, ASI294MC Pro will still works fine without dew problems.

ASI294MC Pro has same mechanics as ASI1600 Pro. There are four screws that seal the sensor chamber. Our camera design has been extensively tested and is very stable.

Reliable Mechanics

This camera can achieve higher SNR (signal to noise ratio) with just one single exposure.

63700e full well capacity, which is 3 times more than the ASI1600s capacity. Even bright stars wont saturate under long exposure.

Full well Capacity

HCG mode will be on when gain is higher than 120 (12db), read noise will drop below 2e but same dynamic range (13 stops).

HCG Mode

ASI294 have 14bit ADC and it can achieve 13 stops dynamic range which is even better than ASI1600.

14bit ADC & 13 stops DR

The DDR memory buffer is the main difference between ASI “COOL” and “PRO” cameras.

The IMX294 sensor is a BSI (backside illuminated type) sensor, which has very high QE (quantum efficiency, which we estimate is over 75% peak).

The dark current of the ASI294 is slightly higher than the ASI1600, based on our test results.

Dark Current

Dark frame sample @ Highest dynamic range settings, 300s, -10degree, bin1.

Using a battery with 9-15V is also suitable for the cooler power supply.

Recommended cooler power supply: 12V @ 3-5A (or more) DC adapter (2.1×5.5mm, center pole positive). Also suitable: DC battery with 9-15V.

USB 3.0 Port: Provide 5Gb bandwidth to make it possible for ASI294 Pro to run at 16 fps (14bit, normal mode) or 19 fps (10bit, high speed mode)  at full resolution(11.7Mega).

USB 3.0 Port & USB2.0 HUB

USB 2.0 HUB: can connect with various accessories, such as filter wheel, guide camera and electronic focuser, so you can better manage your cables. The ASI294 Pro includes two short 0.5m USB 2.0 cables. The integrated USB 2.0 hub is powered by the external power source if you connect one.

ASI294 VS ASI1600

The ZWO ASI294MC-PRO has a two-stage TEC cooling system that allows deep cooling to 35°C-40°C below ambient. You will need an external power supply to power the cooler. As user might want to power it in various ways (i.e. from a power tank, a Primaluce Lab Eagle 2 or mains, an AC-DC power adapter is not included in this package)

Cooling System

The following table provides a comparison of the differences between the ASI294 and ASI1600. One cannot say which one is better as there are pros and contras for both; they are simply different. It would depend on the application, optical system used and the imaged object which camera would have to be favored.



Wir empfehlen auch:
AntiWet Trockentabletten für gekühlte ASI Kameras 29.00 EUR
AntiDew50 Heizmanschette für ASI Astrokameras (Innendurchmesser: 50mm) 29.00 EUR
ASIHolderring ASI Kameraschelle 78mm 78.89 EUR
T2eosN EOS T2 Bajonettadapter für ASI-Kameras 69.89 EUR
T2eosNadj EOS T2 Bajonettadapter für alle ASI-Kameras 96.00 EUR
A508T2 Adapter 2 Zoll auf T2-Gewinde, mit 2" Filtergewinde in der Steckhülse 28.89 EUR
TRF2008 0,8x Reducer für 400-600mm 500.00 EUR
gso2x2ed GSO 2x ED Barlow 2 Zoll 109.00 EUR
Zig12V3 Stromkabel, ca.2m lang, Vom Zigarettenstecker (z.B. Powertank) zum standard EQ6-Stecker (5,5mm/2,1mm/innen positiv), mit 5A Sicherung. 14.90 EUR
Stab5 12V Netzteil, geregelt bis 5000mA 39.90 EUR




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